Types of presentation
Oral presentations are forms of effective verbal communication that may be accompanied by slides. It is critical that you do not read your slides as your presentation; slides help you make a point, but do not replace your verbal communication. Presenters should not write out their presentations on slides or itemize all their points on a slide—this detracts from the engagement with the audience. If your head is always turned to your slides or looking down at your laptop, you will not deliver a powerful presentation.
As a poster presenter you can deliver your presentation effectively to an audience in the form of a poster. There is no formal oral presentation in a poster session, instead each author is assigned a display area on which diagrams, graphics, data, pictures/photos, and a small amount of text are presented. The poster should be self-explanatory, but the author should be available at certain times, such as refreshment breaks and during the time devoted to poster session, to interact with viewers and answer questions.
If you cannot attend our conference but still wish to have your paper presented at the conference and published in the conference proceedings, we offer a virtual presentation option for your convenience. Virtual presenters are still required to submit a proposal/abstract or full paper, and one author must pay the registration fee. Your conference documents will be sent to your email after the conference.
18 – 20 September 2025 | Prague, Czech Republic